Grow microgreens indoors in an empty strawberry clamshell. In about 12 days, you will have a beautiful microgreen salad. No sun needed.
What do I need to grow Microgreens indoors?
Strawberry container/clamshell: the two-quart size clamshell works best.
Potting or seed starting mix: either one works well. Don’t use garden soil. The garden soil is too heavy for seed starting.
Seeds: Online or most seed catalogs. I like Johnny’s Selected Seeds catalog. They are organic, and Johnny has a good selection of premixed, or you can create your own custom mix.
That’s about it. I use an old cookie baking tray to protect my countertop from water stains.
How Do I Plant Microgreen seeds?
- Moisten 4 cups of potting mix with lukewarm water. Soil should be just moist and not sloppy wet.
- Spread the moistened mix in the bottom of the clamshell
- sprinkle a teaspoon of seeds on the top of the potting mix.
- Cover with enough soil to bury the seeds. Close the clam lid and put it where the container will get daylight, but it doesn’t need direct sun.
5. Once the microgreens have sprouted on day 2 or 3, remove the cover from the clamshell.
6. Water from the bottom to prevent the soil from drying out. Set the clamshell in a pan with about a half-inch of water in it. The soil will soak up the water. Once the soil is all moistened, remove the clamshell from the water. Don’t leave the clamshell sitting in the water, or the roots of the microgreens will rot.
How do I harvest the Microgreens?
Easy. Just cover an area on your counter with some plastic wrap. This keeps the dirt off the counter, and when you are done harvesting, wrap the mess up in the plastic wrap and take it out to the compost or recycle it in your yard or garden. If you don’t want to use plastic wrap, several pieces of the newspaper also work just as well.
Cut the microgreens just above the soil with a scissor. I grasp the tops of the microgreens as I cut them. This saves me the time and hassle of picking them out of the dirt once they are cut.
Enjoy your harvested microgreens in sandwiches and salads. Here is a great way to store them. (click here)
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I’d suggest skipping the plastic wrap part as it’s a terrible way to discard biodegradable soil.
Based on your suggestion, I have amended the instructions and I agree, thank you for pointing that out.
Don’t wrap and throw out the soil in plastic wrap!! Reuse it! Or at least put it into a compost bin!! Soil is not garbage
Great Tip and I always add the used soil to my vegetable garden. I should have made that more clear in the blog.